We enjoy taking care of your pets special needs.
As with all exotics, they stress easily, so we ask you bring their “home” that they are used to. Any clean toys, non toxic bedding [we clean the bedding out (every other day depending on your baby), food and treats.
We provide filtered water for them in a quiet and climate controlled atmosphere. We have a refrigerator for fruits and vegetables. Please do not bring any treats or food your pet has not tried or been on before. Most exotics do stay in the owners office as she loves to talk to them and give them lots of one on one attention.
We ask that you exam your pet a week prior to for any signs of illnesses or issues. We can not board any pet that has a contagious illness.
We board the following exotics:
Guinea Pigs, Hamsters & Gerbils: Please exam your pet prior to them coming. We ask that you check their teeth to make sure they are not touching the roof of their mouth as this can cause sores and they will stop eating. Also check their ears (for mites or infection) and look for any discharge around eyes or any missing hair. If you notice any signs of illness or issues you will need to take him/her to their veterinarian prior to boarding.
Bearded Dragons: Please examine eyes, skin and feet. Please remember to bring food, treats and vitamins, heat lamps or heat rocks, crickets and calcium powder.
Chinchillas: Please thoroughly check your pet prior to boarding and if you find any issues they must be addressed with your veterinarian prior to boarding. Please remember to bring his/her Timothy Hay. If your Chinchilla is staying more than three (3) days we ask you bring his/her dust bath supplies along with the supplies listed above.
Birds: Please exam your pet before boarding. See above: remember to check his/her beaks, feet and skin (especially under wings). Make sure perches are the correct size for his/her feet as this can cause sores. All cages must have double lock on doors. We will be happy to let your bird take “bath(s)” just let us know when you check in. Remember to bring their cover for their cage for night time tuck in. Also toys, treats, vitamins (if any) and the bedding for their tray (please provide enough to change daily during their stay).
Rabbits: Please exam your pets’ teeth, eyes and ears. Teeth should not touch roof of mouth, this can cause sores and can resort in them not eating. There should be no discharge from eyes or ears.
Hedgehog: Please bring their home that they are used to as well as all food, treats, vitamins (if any) and plenty of bedding.
*If you have any special requests please let us know when you make your reservation.
*If you do not see your Pet listed above, please give us a call as we are very accommodating!